Student Information

Your teachers will work with you to help you develop the skills you need for life and employment.  You will receive information about work experience placements and work opportunities and will meet people from the world of work, who could help you to acquire the skills needed to be successful in work.

The Woodlands School is committed to help you to realise your potential, so you can do what you love when you leave school!

If you are wondering what you can do to improve your chances of being employable when you leave school here are some ideas:

If you want to know how to start deciding what to aim for in your career or working life, try asking yourself these questions:

What are you good at? 

What do you enjoy doing? 

What subjects are you good at (at school)?

What are you good at outside of school?

What are your interests?

What skills do you already have? 

What sort of person are you?

Do you like interacting with people?

Where do you prefer to be (inside/outside)?

If you want more help answering these questions and deciding what you want to do please see our careers adviser. 

For further information, please contact the named careers lead below:

Beccy Brown , Careers Lead 

Tel: 01908 563885